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Frequently Asked Questions

There are several factors we can look at to determine if solar might be a good solution for your needs, including roof space, home energy usage, credit health, and eligibility for incentives. At Lazarus, we start by calculating a quick savings estimate based on your home, location, and current utility costs. Then, we’ll schedule a meeting to clarify your goals, address any questions, identify purchase options, and outline the solar process. All of this happens before you pay, allowing you to decide if solar is right for you based on a complete understanding of the potential costs and savings.  The following are the more common questions we run into.


Where should I start? It seems complicated.

You’re right, solar energy can feel very complex, especially if you’re
researching providers, technologies, incentives, municipal requirements,
permits, and the list goes on. That’s why Lazarus created end-to-end solar
energy solutions that allow you to plug into savings with less time and no
hassle. From financing and design through decades of maintenance,
tracking, and protection, we oversee every detail so you don’t have to. Visit
our product pages to learn more about Lazarus' solar solutions.


How do I find the right solar energy provider?

Depending on where you live, there may be hundreds of providers in your area or
only a few. Either way, it can be difficult to find the right specialist for your solar
energy needs and trust that you’re getting the best service. What’s more, many solar
companies go out of business in the first few years, leaving homeowners with
complex technologies, aging equipment, and no support.
At Lazarus, we vet and partner with the top solar inspection, service, and
maintenance specialists in your area to deliver superior workmanship, guaranteed.
Our long-term maintenance and protection programs ensure you’re always in good
hands with one-stop access to the best specialists in your area.


How do I choose the right solar energy system for my

The right solar energy system for your home will depend on a variety of factors, including your current energy usage, the size and layout of your roof, and your preferred level of energy independence.

To hone in on the right solution for your home, we always begin with a personal consultation and survey, both
of which serve to clarify your goals and outline available options. Should you choose to invest, we’ll design a custom
solution to meet your goals and maximize your savings—no haggling, no up-selling, just right.


What happens if I produce more power than I need?

If your home is connected to the grid and you’re located in a net metering area, any
excess energy produced will flow back into the grid, earning you a credit on your
utility bill. If you choose to integrate energy storage with your solar power system, any excess energy that is produced and not immediately used by your household will function to charge your battery. This, in turn, allows you to access stored solar power for your home any time your energy usage.


When will I make my Money back?

Most homeowners can anticipate a break-even point or payback period between two and seven years. This is when your total energy savings will exceed your total installation costs, and varies based on a number of factors including the cost of utilities in your area, the amount of energy you use relative to the amount of energy you produce, the size and complexity of your solar energy system, your energy storage capacity, your eligibility for local and federal incentives, and your preferred financing method. That said, while utility rates continue to rise, clean technologies have never been more affordable or efficient. The result: homeowners are seeing a faster return on investment.


What if something goes wrong?

At Lazarus, we rely on best-in-class technologies that are both durable and easy to maintain. All of our solar panels come with a 25-year warranty. Customers seeking additional coverage can opt into Lazarus' install partners extended warranties, a comprehensive protection program that includes active energy monitoring, dedicated customer support, exclusive discounts, and top-quality maintenance services.


Are solar panels expensive to maintain?

Solar panels require little to no maintenance and often reduce the overall maintenance costs for your home by protecting the structure of your roof. To maximize the performance of your solar array, it is important to keep panels free of
dust and debris. Natural patterns of wind and rainfall will do most of the work for
you, but annual cleanings can help to keep them functioning at their best. Any
advanced maintenance required is often due to unusual circumstances such as
pests or home renovations and can easily be performed by a licensed Lazarus specialist.


If there is a power outage, will my power go out?

If you add a home battery to your solar power system, you can avoid disruptions caused by grid outages. The amount of energy available for you to use in case of an
outage will depend on several factors:
The size and production of your solar panels
The size of the battery installed. The battery state of charge when the outage occurs
The areas or appliances in your home that are prioritized to receive power when the grid goes down. If, however, your solar energy system does not include a
home battery, then yes, your power will go out. In the event of an outage, all standalone solar energy systems will automatically shut down in accordance with grid codes and mandatory inverter specifications.


What if I move?

While it is possible to remove a solar panel system and reinstall on a new home, it's often preferable to sell the home with the panels in place. Solar panels increase the value of your home, making it stand out, sell faster, and earn more in the national
real estate market. If you choose to lease your solar array, it can easily be transferred to a new homeowner.


Will I end up with outdated technology in a few years?

The first solar cells were manufactured by Bell Laboratories in the late 1950s
and are still functional today. Likewise, panels installed on homes in the 1970s
and 80s continue to generate power. Most solar modules today have a 25-year
power output warranty and may continue to produce power well beyond that
point. Homeowners interested in additional protection and savings can enroll
for and earn quick access to energy monitoring, dedicated customer support,
exclusive discounts, and best-in-class maintenance services.


Do solar panels work on cloudy or rainy
days? What if I live in a cloudy area?

It’s a common misconception that solar panels won’t work in cloudy, rainy, or
snowy areas. In reality, your solar panels can still capture and generate power
from indirect light. During the
initial consultation, survey, and design process, we’ll examine your overall
energy usage relative to your potential solar energy production and structure
your array to optimize savings. Geography and weather are key factors in this
process. In some cases, we may recommend integrating battery storage with
your solar energy system to extend the benefits of energy produced across
cloudy and inclement weather.


What about aesthetics? Will solar panels fit the design of home?

You might be surprised. There have been huge advancements in solar technologies over the last decade alone, resulting in solar panels that seamlessly integrate with the architecture of your home.

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